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Biggest PC Games Coming in 2023 and Beyond

PC Gamers have a lot to look forward to next year. Here are some of the biggest games coming to PC in 2023.

Despite consoles continuing to get the big press conferences, PC remains the most varied, customizable, and potentially powerful way to play while also offering multiplatform games at their best. PC doesn’t need to make a fuss cause it knows it kicks all the butt like that. So as we wrap up 2022, it’s time to look ahead to next year and beyond at the bright future of PC games and go through some of the most anticipated games coming.

We've got fan favorites and highly anticipated games that are on our list for next year but we almost certainly missed something you’re excited about, so let us know in the comments! And don’t forget to subscribe to Gamespot as we look as some of our other most anticipated games on consoles as well!